What's your choice, SEO or AdWords?
Discussion started by tania , on 31 March 07:57 pm

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or AdWords, this 2 choices make online web businessman confused. This 2 methode are very important for search engine marketing. SEO and AdWords are two different ways which each has advantages and disadvantages in each way in use. Let’s discuss this advantages and disadvantages between this two method.

- AdWords

Adwords is one of the products that are created by Google. Google Adwords is a means of advertising that directly offer by google.

Advantage : You do not need to be difficult to achieve page 1 google to get traffic on your website. Your Website will be broadcast according to the keyword that You want in a matter of hours

Disadvantage : Although it looks easy, just specify keywords and you'll get high traffic to your website. Although it looks easy, just specify keywords and you'll get high traffic to your website. But it requires a larger budget, besides the management of advertising should also appropriately,


SEO is a technique of raising a website or blog to rank page 1 search engine for the keyword you want. Advantage : the method of Low Budget, High Impact can be applied when you understand SEO, because basically doing SEO is free.

Disadvantage : SEO requires “Special Service” and conducted at regular interval.

So with advantage and disadvantage choose Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or AdWords?

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Thursday, 27 December 2018 22:17